Jan 8Liked by André Lima Araújo

I saw you recommend The Last Duel on Instagram the other day so I gave it a watch this past weekend, and it was fantastic! The performances were amazing and it's rare for a "final fight" of a movie to be that emotionally charged. Hell of a story.

Quick question about your work as well. How long does it take you get from thumbnail to finished gray tone art, on average?

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Glad you liked it! Yeah, the final battle is a great moment because it's so charged with story, characters and emotion. I found myself nervous while watching it.

As I've written in previous newsletters, I work in batches, penciling a group of pages in its entirety before inking the same pages. And before that, I thumbnail all of them, etc. But, in average, I'd say that thumbnailing a page can take anywhere from just a few minutes to 30 minutes, penciling can sometimes take just a couple of hours in simpler pages (faces for dialog) or more than a day (very complex panels full of characters and backgrounds). Inking is usually half a day or more (depending on the same things as penciling) and grey tones as well.

So, overall, I'm confident to say I could produce most pages from zero to a finished piece in two days or less. The simpler ones in even less than a day.

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Jan 8Liked by André Lima Araújo

That's great, thanks Andre!

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