I'm new to your work and very happy to make your acquaintance. And your intro, about the children, was great to read. When my son was a toddler, I was at work in London every day, so it quite different, too.

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Hey Ashley, lovely to hear from you. Yeah, we are quite privileged to be able to have them until they're three. It's a lot of work, but worth it.

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My son has only just released his boy, my grandson, of course, to junior school, as we call it in England. He's pleased to see his boy go off into the next adventure but now, he, himself, has just a little more time to spend recording music. That's his big thing.

I don't know how it works where you are but at this point, there are no more childcare fees for him to pay, as it's state school all the way from now on.

But for me, I'm in the very foothills of the comics world after a long career in publishing (better to call it advertising sales) when in truth, all I ever wanted to do was create cartoon strips! I'm hoping that Substack is the answer..

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Same here - we also have no fees in state school, which are very good. I'm sure he's gonna enjoy the quiet and it will do wonders to his creativity and productivity.

And nice to know you're beginning your comic journey. There's no such thing as too late and I hope you have fun creating.

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The parent life is real. Thanks for sharing!

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My pleasure!

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